The event of the third Mashhad international stone exhibition

The third international stone exhibition was held in Mashhad with the presence of national and provincial officials and a large number of mining sector activists and was welcomed by the specialized community and the general public.

The presence of the mining activists of the province at the Khorasan Razavi mine house booth in this exhibition and the discussion and exchange of opinions and the presentation of suggestions and implementation solutions in line with the development and transformation of the mining industry were among the issues that were given attention and were placed on the agenda of the mine house of the province for follow-up. was given


It is necessary to explain that the event of the third Mashhad International Stone Exhibition was held from August 25 to 28 at the permanent site of the Mashhad International Exhibition.

In this event, Mr. Bahram Shakuri, the head of the Mining and Mineral Industries Commission of Iran Chamber of Commerce, attended the booth of Razavi Khorasan Province Mining House and visited its various parts.

The head of the Mining and Mineral Industries Commission of the Iran Chamber of Commerce said during this visit:

The field of mining and mineral industries is considered an important part of the country’s economy, and this field has proven in recent years that it can be a suitable alternative for the country’s oil revenues, and holding exhibitions is a good opportunity to present capabilities in this sector.

He added: Increasing attention to the mining sector is one of the main and serious demands of the country’s mining and mining industry activists from the new government, especially the new Minister of Industry, Mining and Trade, because the mining sector is the supplier of raw materials for many industries in the country. The continuity of production in it, in addition to generating income for the country, has led to the growth of employment and from this point of view, it can also lead to public benefit in the country.

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The significant and extensive presence of the activists of the country’s mining sector in this exhibition, as well as the coverage of its news in the media and the press, was one of the strengths of this international event.