The 23rd session of the Board of Representatives of the 10th term of Razavi Khorasan Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture

The 23rd meeting of the 10th session of the Board of Representatives of the Khorasan Razavi Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture with the agenda of presenting economic news and events, presenting the report of the independent auditor and inspector for the fiscal year ending on March 29, 1402 and a draft report from the chamber’s data and economic information center Commerce, industries, mines and agriculture of Mashhad was held in the place of the parliament of the private sector of the province.

In this meeting, while listening to the report of the independent auditor and the inspector, they expressed their observations about the subsections of each of the analytical chapters of the report and made suggestions about future activities.

  The second meeting of Khorasan Razavi Mining House Processing Committee