The strategic document of Sangan Khaf iron ore complex was compiled

The director of Sangan Khavaf iron ore complex said: The strategic plan document of this complex was compiled with the approach of sustainable development.

Ali Rasoulian stated that this document outlines the future road map of the complex and said: the main mission of the Sangan iron ore complex is to create added value through exploration, extraction and processing of iron ore and other minerals in the eastern region of the country and to play a key role in the chain. The value of the country’s steel.

Referring to the vision of the Sangan Khaf iron ore complex in the horizon of 1407, he added: In this vision, the aforementioned complex, as a superior and value-creating organization, plays a central role in providing 30% of the iron ore needed by the country’s steel chain.

The manager of Sangan iron and steel complex emphasized the core values ​​of this strategic plan document and said: wealth creation based on the model of sustainable development, adherence to the implementation of general policies and upstream documents, full adherence to professional ethics and respect for the rights of the beneficiaries and the participation of the human capital of the complex and the people of the region. It is one of the central values ​​in this document

Rasoulian considered the most important macro policies of the Sangan Complex to be compliance with the macro policies of the country, attention and support to productive sectors, development and completion of production chains, increasing people’s participation, compliance with the regulations of the Development and Modernization Organization of Mines and Mineral Industries of Iran, and rulemaking and elimination of individual powers.

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He continued: The most important goals of this document are the optimal management of the existing iron ore mine, the development and completion of the exploration of new mining areas, increasing the participation of the people, the development of infrastructure related to production, the completion and development of production chains in the region, and participation in the exploitation of the mines of the countries. is counted

The manager of Sangan iron ore complex said: Based on this strategic document, in the near future, Sangan iron ore complex will witness important developments in the field of sustainable development, increasing production, creating added value and playing a role in the national economy.

With more than one billion tons of reserves, Sangan Khavaf iron ore complex is one of the 10 largest iron ore mines in the world and a supplier of primary feed for the production of 17.5 million tons of concentrate, 15 million tons of pellets and five million tons of iron ore in Iran.

The Sangan deposit complex with 30% of the country’s iron ore reserves is located in an area of ​​۲۲ km long and 10 km wide, 300 km southeast of Mashhad, 40 km southeast of Khaf city and 18 km northeast of Sangan in the southeast of Razavi Khorasan and near the Afghanistan border. .

The most obvious features of these iron ore mines are the possibility of mining activities during 12 months of the year, the presence of minerals on the surface of the earth, the reduction of mining and extraction costs, and the presence of rare earth elements, which are developed with the participation of the government sector and the Development and Modernization Organization of Industries and Mines of Iran (IMIDRO). , Folad Sangan and a number of other large mining companies in Iran are a successful investment model and a very good example for other parts of the country.

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The center of the 170,000-person city of Khawf is located 267 kilometers southeast of Mashhad and south of Khorasan-Razavi province, with a 123-kilometer border with Afghanistan.