The visit of the head of Khorasan Razavi’s Mining Engineering Organization to the booth of the province’s mining house

While attending the 17th specialized mining and metallurgy exhibition held in Mashhad, the head of Khorasan Razavi Mining Engineering Organization also visited the Khorasan Razavi Mining House booth and said: “This year’s exhibition was held very enthusiastically and we hope Let us witness the development of the country’s mining sector and mineral industries in the near future with the government and parliament of Tare Nafs.

At the end of this visit, Engineer Hossein Nikahi, the head of Khorasan Razavi Mining Engineering System, expressed his hope that by facilitating the establishment of laws supporting production and business development in the field of mining, we will be able to make an important contribution to sustainable employment and value creation of underground resources for the country. Let’s bring to Armaan.

News publication date: Friday, 2024/Jul/5

  Invitation to the mining and metallurgy exhibition